Pieter Van den Broeck, Associate Partner @ Monard Law (www.monardlaw.be), a leading independent Belgian full-service business law firm, will attend the AIJA Half Year Conference organized by AIJA in Riga from 17-20 May 2017. This May conference focuses on two distinct topics, namely
The start-up world – From seed to crop: current trends and developments
Environmental & energy transactions – how to conduct / avoid litigation?
Pieter will act as a panelist at one of the corporate sessions “Investors at the gate: Do’s and Don’ts for start-ups when negotiating term sheets with investors”.
Please visit https://www.aija.org/en/event-detail/348 for more information on this conference.
AIJA (www.aija.org) is the only global career-building association devoted to lawyers and in-house counsel aged 45 and under.
Feel free to contact Pieter directly at pieter.vandenbroeck@monardlaw.be if you would like to meet him at this occasion in Riga.”