Lawyer - Senior Associate

Jill Leen

  • Commercial Law attorney
  • Specialisations: IT/IP law, privacy and data protection
  • Colleague since 2017
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Jill Leen focuses on commercial law in the broad sense, specialising in IT/IP law, privacy and data protection. She has particular expertise in the IT sector, partly through years of in-house assignments with clients.

Jill’s experience includes:

  • drafting and reviewing a wide variety of commercial agreements (e.g. distribution, commercial agency, franchising, general conditions of sale and purchase, contract manufacturing, service agreements, etc.);
  • drafting and reviewing various types of IT contracts (e.g. software licence agreements, SaaS contracts, SLAs, software development agreements, escrow agreements, support agreements, framework agreements, agreement on the transfer of intellectual rights to software, applications, etc.);
  • applying and implementing the rules in the General Data Protection Regulation (AVG) (e.g. performing privacy audits, supporting and advising on the creation of processing registries, drafting and reviewing processor agreements, legal support for data breaches, drafting privacy policies and terms of use for websites, etc.);
  • supporting clients in negotiating and resolving disputes with buyers and suppliers;
  • conducting legal due diligence investigations.

Jill obtained her law degree from Hasselt University, where she graduated magna cum laude as Master of Laws in 2017. In 2016, Jill won the interuniversity pleading competition organized by NautaDutilh. Jill also obtained Bachelor’s in Social Work with distinction at PXL.

Jill is a member of the Limburg Bar and has been working at Monard Law in Hasselt since September 2017.


Download Jill’s cv here.

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