Partner - Counsel
Jean-Pierre Buyle sees his profession as an art, driven by imagination, experience and rigour.
Jean-Pierre advises and represents Belgian and international clients on a daily basis. He is a renowned litigator and has built an acclaimed reputation in banking and finance.
Jean-Pierre is regularly appointed as an arbitrator in commercial and business disputes.
He was President of the Brussels Bar between 2010 and 2012 and has been the President of the Ordre Des Barreaux francophones et germanophone ( since 2016. This latter institution governs approximately 6,000 attorneys in Belgium. Jean-Pierre is a lecturer at the University of Brussels and has written numerous published articles.
He is an associated member of different committees editing legal articles: Review on Commercial Law, Review on Banking and Financial Law, Jurisprudence of Liège, Mons, and of Brussels, Cahiers du CRID.
Jean-Pierre is also the founder of the international association Association Européenne pour le Droit bancaire et financier Belgium and the founder of Euredia, European Review on Banking and Financial Law.
His blog:
Download Jean-Pierre his cv here.
Video: Le serment des banquiers sous l’oeil de Jean-Pierre Buyle – Canal Z 27 septembre 2023