Lawyer - Associate

Ilias Schoofs

  • Banking and Financial (Criminal) Law
  • Commercial Law
  • Colleague since October 2023
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Ilias is active in these specializations

Banking, Finance & Capital Markets

Commercial Law

Ilias Schoofs completed his law degree cum laude in 2019. Within his university formation, he opted to further develop his knowledge related to civil law, commercial and economic law, as well as criminal law. He studied both at the University of Antwerp and the prestigious University of Lund (Sweden).

September 2019, Ilias joined the Antwerp Bar and joined a medium-sized Antwerp firm where he was a member of the Commercial Litigation practice group.

In 2022, Ilias then entered the Ghent Bar where he joined the Corporate Criminal Law Department within a large Brussels firm.

The particular interest in litigation closely related to the financial sector, and civil and penal disputes related to it, led Ilias to join the team led by Mr. Jean-Pierre Buyle within Monard Law as of October 2023.

Ilias has the necessary language skills to be able to assist you in Dutch, French and English.


Download Ilias’ cv here.

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